Four operating modes of Chengli truck crane

 The sight of the lower operation is blocked, what do you have to do when you are operating at high altitude, up and down is troublesome, the middle position operation, if you look to the left, you can’t see the right, is there a more suitable operation method? The emergence of remote control has solved these problems, so fish and bear’s paws can sometimes have both.

      The operation of the truck mounted crane mainly includes four operation modes: down operation, middle position operation, high altitude operation, and remote control operation. It can be said that each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

      One. The meaning of four operation modes of truck crane

Bottom operation of truck crane
Bottom operation of truck crane

1. Bottom operation (as shown in the picture above): In addition to remote operation, all cranes under 5 tons use the bottom operation mode. The bottom operation is on the ground and controls the extension, rotation, and luffing of the boom through the operating valve, both on the left and right. Operation, a remote control throttle is installed next to the operation valve, which is convenient for controlling the lifting speed;

High-altitude operation picture of truck crane
High-altitude operation picture of truck crane

2. High-altitude operation (as shown in the picture above) : It is mostly used on the 6.3-ton to 16-ton crane. It is installed on the crane column. The high-altitude seat can be adjusted.

There is a lifting parameter table at a prominent position next to the seat, so you can know the lifting at any time It is equipped with a remote throttle to control the lifting speed. The 16-ton crane is also equipped with an electronic display to observe the lifting weight at any time;

Truck mounted crane Middle operation
Truck mounted crane Middle operation

3. Middle operation (as shown in the picture above) : The middle operation is generally installed next to the turntable on the main driver’s side and cannot be rotated with the column. It is the same as the high-altitude operation structure, but the installation position is different, and this operation method is relatively rare;

Remote control operation of truck mounted crane
Remote control operation of truck mounted crane

 4. Remote control operation (as shown in the picture above) : The remote control operation is to control the expansion, rotation, and amplitude of the boom through the wireless remote control, which is carried on the body. In addition to the most basic operation buttons, the remote control is also equipped with a remote accelerator. Emergency stop button etc.

two. Comparison of four operation modes of truck mounted crane

      1. Next operation

      Advantages: low maintenance cost, the left and right sides of the vehicle can be operated, the operation position can be changed at any time when lifting goods in different positions, and it is relatively close to the lifting object, and the hook is more convenient for small lifting;

      Disadvantages: Generally, the height of the cargo box to the ground is about 2 meters, the line of sight is blocked during operation, and the surrounding situation cannot be accurately observed;

      2. High altitude operation

      Advantages: high-altitude operation, wide field of vision, can clearly observe the surrounding environment, ensure the safety of lifting and surrounding pedestrians and vehicles, and the large tonnage crane is equipped with an electronic display device, which can observe the lifting weight at any time;

      Disadvantages: It is troublesome to go up and down through pedestrian ladders. When lifting goods, one person is required to operate and one person to direct the bottom.

      3. Medium operation

      Advantages: It is installed in the lower center of the column, and it is not high for people who are afraid of heights, and it does not need to stand on the ground for a long time to operate;

      Disadvantages: Can not rotate with the column, can only be fixed in one position to observe the surrounding environment.

      4. Remote control operation

      Advantages: 200m range can be operated by wireless remote control, safe operation, good observation of the surrounding environment, one person can complete the whole lifting operation process, saving manpower and saving cost.

      Disadvantages: The wireless remote control can only control the boom, but cannot control the hydraulic outrigger. On the other hand, the wireless remote control is expensive, maintenance costs are high, and repair parts are hard to find.

      Each operation method has its own advantages and disadvantages. At present, small truck-mounted cranes under 6.3 tons basically adopt lower operation, and those with more than 6.3 tons to 16 tons adopt upper operation. Middle operation and remote control operation are usually based on user needs. Made to order.

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